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Montenegro’s North cities offer a unique opportunity for businesses looking to set up outsourced operations. With a rich history of traditional industries, a skilled workforce, and favorable business conditions, these cities provide an ideal environment for companies seeking to leverage the benefits of outsourcing. Mercosur.me explores the advantages of choosing Montenegro’s North cities for setting...

Located in the northern region of Montenegro, Nikšić is emerging as a significant player in the European industrial and business sectors. Known for its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty, Nikšić is also gaining recognition for its industrial capabilities, strategic position, and potential as a nearshoring destination for European Union (EU) companies. Industrial Legacy of...

In the picturesque landscape of Montenegro lies Herceg Novi, a coastal town with untapped potential in the technology sector. This article explores how Herceg Novi could evolve into a major Information Technology (IT) nearshoring hub for foreign companies, leveraging its unique geographical location, advanced IT infrastructure, skilled workforce, and an unparalleled living environment. Proximity to...

Montenegro, a picturesque country located in Southeast Europe, is committed to fostering sustainable development and attracting environmentally responsible businesses. The Montenegrin government has implemented various investments and incentives to encourage and support companies in adopting sustainable practices. Elevatepr.me highlights the government’s efforts and the incentives available for businesses seeking to establish sustainable operations in Montenegro....

Montenegro citizenship by investment is a program that allows people to obtain citizenship in the country with a significant financial investment in the country. This can include investing in real estate, making a financial contribution to the government, or investing in a business. The investment amounts can vary but typically involve a substantial financial commitment....

In 2019, the Central Bank of Montenegro has published for the first time the net international investment position (NIIP) of Montenegro, which is a difference between external financial assets (receivables-assets) and external financial liabilities and capital (liabilities). According to the international investment position, Montenegro is a net debtor, because it has a negative position, which...

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